Saturday, May 25, 2019

Mayor Pete liberal..?

Openly gay Democratic presidential candidate wants to 'broker that peace deal' with Chick-fil-A

Pete Buttigieg, the Indiana mayor seeking the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020,

Mar. 27, 2019

Mr. Mayor,

To achieve your goal is very simple. You and your community should stop harassment and threats to harm those with witch you disagree on religious beliefs. Especially, since you, your community and the Democrat Party fully embrace the Military Political Complex of Islam and  the penalty for being Gay is
Death !?

As a liberal myself it is hard to be liberal to a mean spirited
intolerant religious bigots, extremely anti-liberal individuals or political parties such as yourself and the city who actually are,  what they accuse others of being..
...but I try !?

Lightfoot Letters

“There is a pressing need for a liberalism in the North which is truly liberal,” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. New York City 1960.

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