Saturday, November 29, 2008


and The Egineers -

It’s a House divided — not so much, because both Democrats and Republicans support the financial policies that has brought us to where we are. Our financial problems are caused by the injection of “socialist engineering concepts” into the business model (and education model).
Herbert Hoover These socialist concepts began with the Hoover and FDR administration and have grown, with increased power and failure under each administration.

The core problem is the federal government acting as the “Great White Father” using socialist engineering concepts applied to a free market. This must be addressed and stopped. They are not only unconstitutional — they have failed every time they have been applied or used.Any current bailout, rescue package or payout without a ban on future government sponsored enterprises, GSE's Fannie/Freddie adventures is not acceptable. Without such a ban, we are continuing the same policy no matter how much the Democrats and Republicans claim this will never happen again. If we have the programs and support the policy, it will happen again and again and again.Senator Obama or Senator McCain will keep stoking the fires of the socialist train,.. we must take their shovels away from them — permanently!

Published Nov. 4, 2008 - LA Times/DP

donkrotee wrote on Nov 4, 2008
" This writing is so wrong it is a little surprising the Pilot printed it. Deregulation, not socialism, and bipartisan greed are the culprits for crisis. Banking wanted to deregulate itself since 1933. Financial institutions got their big start when Phill Gramm (R) collected more than $1.5 million in lobbying cash (he needed for his senate re-election) to push through (narrow margin) relief from a banking/finance regs of the Glass-Steagall Act, one of the pillars of Roosevelt's New Deal. Final collapse was Paulson convincing Cox/ and SEC to exempt investment banks from maintaining reserves to cover losses. "

timothy wrote on Nov. 29
This is good!