Friday, August 12, 2022

Election Denier


August 3, 2022

NPR Breaking news


“An election denier won the GOP nomination to oversee voting in Arizona” NPR 8/3/22

19,000 invalid votes counted in Arizona 2020 election – The Epoch Times 8/26/22.  

Biden won the election by in Arizona by 10,457 more votes than Donald Trump.


I am not a Republican.  However, I must be an “election denier.’ After all the material I have read on the last presidential election there is only one conclusion a reasonable person could come to.

The massive push for ‘mail in ballots’ could be for only one reason. That is, to aid and abet massive voter fraud by those that have advocated, pushed for and legislated for and instituted public policy for ‘mail in ballots and insecure drop boxes.’

My second conclusion is the term 'Election Denier' is the new white supremacist or racist terms used by Democrat Party. The purpose is to segregate anyone that even questions any part of the 2020 presidential election. By using one of the terms, you are into guilty by association of the other two terms.

*My third conclusion is the media played a much larger role in the 2020 presidential election than previously thought. Not in error, but an overt effort to fix the election. Fraudulent voting is not the only way to try to fix the outcome of an election. Supporting the policies that make it easy for fraudulent voting to occur is a much safer way to try to fix the outcome of an election


Your right to vote is no more important than the person who is voting has a right to vote.


Lightfoot Letters


 Sent by my Windows Mail from someplace in space and time where, "It looks like the only thing that can beat the Democrats is an honest count."  Will Rogers (D) - Nov. 9, 1932


Ref: Carter-Baker Commission: Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud, increased security and further study and recommendation for a photo identification before being allowed to vote. 

Carter Center, founded by the former president to advocate for peace, health and democracy called for election officials to provide absentee ballot request forms online, expand access to return ballots.

  200 voter fraud prosecutions since the November 2018, North Carolina congressional election after evidence surfaced that the Republican candidate benefited from an effort to collect absentee ballots from voters in 2018, Democrat Plan for Mail-In Voting Could Let Millions of Ineligible Voters Vote.                    The Daily Mail.

Feb. 16, 1997 · Potentially illegal ballots are uncovered in the November 1996 House        election in California in which Loretta Sanchez unseated Robert K Dornan by 984 votes.  New York Times

Sellars, 44, is one of a dozen people in Alamance County in North Carolina who have been charged with voting illegally in the 2016 presidential election.
New York Times

The Heritage Foundation's non-exclusive survey confirms, since 2000, at least 742 criminal voter fraud convictions. 1,285 proven instances of voter fraud. Examples include impersonation fraud at the polls; false voter registrations; duplicate voting; fraudulent absentee ballots; vote buying; illegal assistance and intimidation of voters.  Heritage Foundation - 5/10/20

New York Post - 02/26/22
AP looked for 2020 vote fraud in 6 states, found 475 possible cases, many involving Trump voters.

Feb. 20, 2021, Atlanta Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and the State Election Board sent 24 cases this week of alleged voting violations to prosecutors after hearing what investigators discovered.
The Albany Herald

*A new poll from the Media Research Center conducted by McLaughlin & Associates has to give one pause about the media’s interference in the 2020 election on behalf of Joe Biden. The poll found that 36 percent of people who voted for Biden were not aware of his connection to a Chinese company with connections to the Chinese Communist Party through his son Hunter or that Joe Biden may have financially benefitted from those connections.                                                                                                                     

Would it have made a difference if the news media reported on the activities of Hunter Biden? Apparently so.  Thirteen percent of those folks, or 4.6% of Biden’s total voters, say that if they had known, they wouldn’t have voted for him.  That would have made a critical difference in the election.    Mclaughin & Associates

Steve Watkins, a Republican congressman in Kansas, was charged with 3 felonies   and a misdemeanor on Tuesday related to illegally voting in a 2019 local race.                                The Guardian - 6/15/2020

 Wisconsin Circuit and Supreme Court rule insecure drop boxes used for the 2020 elections are illegal. - The Epoch Times 

Update:  8/20/22   ICYMI  : Census Bureau Admits Overcounting 7 Blue States, and Just 1 Red State

These costly errors will distort congressional representation and the Electoral College, and on and on. -  Hans von Spakovsky


To Help Biden, FBI Interfered With 2020 Election. - It turns out that the FBI used its previously concocted Russia hoax as an excuse to pressure Facebook to censor the factually correct Hunter Biden laptop story, which the New York Post broke. Will Thibeau policy analyst in The Heritage Foundation’s Tech Policy Center.  -  8//27/22


cc: npr

cc: pbs

cc: dnc


Saturday, July 30, 2022

Jan. 6th - Fact or Fiction


July 24, 2022 

CBS - Mississippi Insight   


 News Director, and Staff,

The Left says that President Trump's speech incited violence... (and CBS)
...LIE - Trump told people to, "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Rep. Benny Thompson (D)
and Pelosi calls it an "armed insurrection"... (armed mob)
...LIE - Not a single firearm was found on a protestor.

The radical Left claims the demonstrators caused fatal injuries...
...LIE - the only person killed was an unarmed, Air Force Veteran protester who was shot at point-blank range.

Pelosi knows that January 6th wasn't a "terrorist attack" or "insurrection."
David Horowitz - 7/19/22


Fact or Fiction?

I know that one of the claims of Jan. 6th. is false. Others I'm not sure if they are fact or fiction. If ABC, CBS and NBC Networks were not selective regarding what news they report and did not pass off rumors and hearsay evidence as facts I would be much better informed. Possibly, I would have enough accurate information to know which claims were Fact or Fiction. 

Lightfoot Letters                                                                                                                                    

August 2 Update: Question as to why I did not include Fox News. I do not watch Fox News, cable or local, except for one news directors' weekly commentary. 

Sent by my Windows Mail from someplace in space and time, where “All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that's an alibi for my ignorance.”

Will Rogers (D)

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Hail to the Redskins

 Jan. 15,   2022

Washington Times
Letters to the Editor 

I have heard rumors that the NFL team in Washington DC are contemplating changing 
their name. 
Based on my personal research 
I found a name that seems a perfect fit for the team. And, as
amazing as it seems I found an old fight song that is a perfect
match. Also rumored to be song
with emotion, feelings and passion by by the fans. A rare
experience I have been told by 
some old timers.
There are some neat things about the new name and fight
song. Most important of all they
honor the tribes of the First Nations. Those who fought and died to maintain their way of life and culture like Lozen, an Apache, or Nde, woman who resisted European domination. Known for her bravery, military prowess and dedication to her people’s safety.
Also, a strong nod to members of the First Nations who played 
a role in the early history of the team. The coaches and the players.  And revived the spirit of Wing Foot and Indian Football of the early 20th Century.

In 1932, the Boston Braves, coached by the Native American Lone Star Dietz, were nicknamed 'the Redskins'in honour of their charismatic and successful coach according to some historical notes.

“Indian football” in the National Football League.
Indian football was a wide open brand of early twentieth century football, usually played by Native American teams.

The new name should be:

Last, if you believe that the iconic symbol of a Native American of the First Nations on the helmet or ‘Hail to the Redskins’ is racism you should
rethink your thinking.
You might want to consider something that is racism. The ‘Jim Crow’ policy of the National Football League.
That is rewards and benefits 
based on race.

Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!
Run or pass and score—We want a lot more!
Beat 'em, Swamp 'em,
Touchdown! -- Let the points soar!
Fight on, fight on 'Til you have won
Sons of Wash-ing-ton. Rah!, Rah!, Rah!
Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!

Lightfoot Letters

Sent from my iPhone some 
place in space and time where
"The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected."
Will Rogers

ref. j. gordon hylton, nfl, chuck 
knoll, espn, hattiesburg 
american, lewis, cbs, fox, abc
etc., etc.