Dec. 30, 2019
Investigative Team
Perpetrators of hate crimes are motivated by their personal bias against an individual or group of people belonging to a protected group.
A crime of violence that is motivated by prejudice or intolerance rance against an individual or group of people.
Hate speech is talk that attacks an individual or a specific group based on a protected group or class.
Legal Dictionary
- There should be no class of citizens or group that have special privileges* in the eyes of the law. It has the stink of Jim Crow laws or policy that enhance the rights of one citizen by restricting the rights of another citizen.
- I personally find burning an American flag or burning a Christian cross hateful motivated by their personal bias against an individual or group of citizens despicable.
- Burning a cross or flag should fall under hate crime laws. But, in the real world they do not.
- One falls under a protected class. One falls under the unprotected classes.
- Burning a cross motivated by personal bias can put the citizen in jail for cross burning, sentenced to 11 years in federal prison.*
- Burning an American flag motivated by prejudice or intolerance against an individual or group of people is protected free speech.
- Hate crime laws and protected classes of citizens amounts to the unequal protection and unequal application of the law under The Constitution
- This is what you should be investigating. Not more ways to violate civil liberties and civil rights of all the citizens.
- Both acts; burning a Cross and burning the Flag are like acts for the same like objectives.
Punishing citizens for what they think or believe belong In the realm of Kings and Dictators, not in the legal system of a Constitutional Republic.
Punishing citizens for hate speech or hate crimes is a very dangerous road to go down. The ‘road’ leads to Golags & Corrective Camps aiming to instill loyalty to the ruling Political Party.
Lightfoot Letters
*Protected Group
*Louie Revette-Clarion Ledger Nov. 2019
Note: your special report Jan. 3, 2020 proves my point. The lady pointing to graffiti on a building side saying it must be a hate crime. The person has no way of knowing the mental beliefs of the individual or individuals responsible for the graffiti.