Mr. O,
Jan. 5, 2009 - You continue to attack those who speculate on oil and at the same time you sell speculation on gold! Jan. 5, 2009 "Because of their quasi-government status there is a market perception that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (GSEs) mortgage-backed securities and debt carry and explicit Federal guarantee against default. Hence, the GSEs expose the federal taxpayer to an ever-increasing potential contingent liability that could ultimately cost tens of billions to rectify." Vern McKinley - Cato Institute - 1997 You continue to babble about how nobody knew about the tax liability when you should be saying nobody was listening. Hope you fired your financial advisors.
Dec. 12, 2008 You continue to attack those who speculate on oil and at the same time you sell speculation on gold!
Oct. 14, 2008 You said liberals were supposed to be opened minded. You are right. It is a core value and principle. Then you stated the people of Marin County are very closed minded. The question of the last 50-60 years. Why do media types like yourself keep calling closed minded, intolerant individuals liberals? We all deserve an answer!
Sept. 29, 2008You know; That the small number of Libertarians in public office, appointed and elected, are doing a better job of, use and protection, of public tax monies than Republicans or Democrats. But, you and the rest of the media never talk about it. That is a failing on both your parts as to informing the public. That makes you all political hacks at some level. The words that comes to mind is 'dereliction of duty.'
Sept. 23, 2008 You do a good job of selling gold as in investment. As you know the more you sell, the more the price will rise. It does not mean there is a shortage of gold, just a more desire to own the commodity caused by your efforts. However when it comes to oil you do not see that you do the same thing..just a different commodity.
Sept. 11, 2008 You keep saying Senator Obama is very very smart. Brilliant even. Yet, he has no clue his lipstick on a pig remark, in a prepared speech, would not be a reference to Governor Palin.His audience laughed and whenced all at the same time, with the facial expressions to match. The audience knew immediately what, and who he was referring to. And, it was not Senator McCain.In his most recent statement he said Governor Palin would have been the lipstick and Republican policy would be the pig. Basically, that is just another way of saying the same thing. But according to you no sane person could ever make that connection. Well, I guess most of us who are paying attention, are insane just like his audience.
August 6 Your complaining about e-mails accusing you of being a socialist. Pathetic, since you and Hannity are a main source of the ignorance. The idea that liberals, socialist and authoritarians are basically the same animal.The liberal concept would be you help those you volunteer/choose to help. Pretty much what you proposed the oil companies do regarding heating oil. However you have brainwashed citizens that this liberal concept is an example of socialism.And, you and your guest think you have to explain to voters what it means to be a liberal. You think we don't know what it means to be a liberal.No sir; it is you and your guests that do not know what it means to be a liberal..not us. Again, pathetic that you complain, when the ignorance that you preach, is thrown back in your face in the form of an e-mail accusing you of being a socialist. (see Mar.13)
April 28 Regarding the good Senator Obama you might consider an old quote."Everyman is like the company he is wont to keep". Euripides - 500 B.C.Some things do not change...No matter how hard you try Mr. O, the good Senator is what he is and you can not change it. (see April 17th...still no answer)
April 21"The minorities get preferential treatment and I think they should". It sounds like the same old racism, Jim Crow Laws, designed to reward or punish based on race, culture or status. Makes you sound like a conservative Democrat and the "psycho babble" taught in Public Schools.April 17You seem to be smitten by Osama Bama (if it's good enough for Uncle Teddy it is good enough for me) so I have a question for the the good Senator from the great State of Illinois....kinda like being from the great State of Louisiana. I has been reported that Senator Obama is a devotee of Nietzsche and Nihilism...true or false? If true it would explain his lack of inability to take a moral stand regarding any and all issues. If not true, you should squash the claim.Mar. 13 Pure racism is "rewards or punishment" based on race. You are right. liberals are not racist. Liberals traded slavery for individual liberty.*However, Democrats have always, and still do, use racism as a political club. Again, by definition and action, Democrats are not liberals. And you will say, " that's interesting." (see Oct. 12).*Ludwig von MisesJan. 22, 2008 When you refuse to discuss Ron Paul because he is not miss the point. If you were "looking out for us" you would discuss the ideas he brings to the political arena...that is his importance.
Nov. 7 So you consider yourself a member of the "Peoples Party".....this is very interesting. The populist is usually another name for socialist....or the "King" by another name??? And one caller called you on your version of what it means to be a honest law abiding person....And once again you explained that you would break the law, therefore is OK for illegal aliens to break the law!...Way to GO Mr. "O". Oct. 31She is a liberal......Bill Orielly - KABC 790 She is a socialist...John Ziegler KFI 640 Regarding Senator Clinton
Oct. 30 Today you seem to use the word socialist, libertine, liberal, marxist, secular progressive, authortarian, and affirmative action, as if they were all interchangeable...When I do research I can not find anything that supports your view......WHY NOT?
Oct. 24 You are on the right track when you said that only about twenty (20) percent of the people were liberals..... Currently, I would estimate it is much lower at about ten (10) to twelve (12) percent and at any given time in history nor more than thirty (30) percent.....which holds true for all our short history and thousands of years before. What you don't understand is in that group many liberals call themselves libertarians, classic liberals ect., ect. because of the undeserved beating they get from all the radio heads. Oct. 15 You slander and demean me everyday....for you to even infer that mocking the Catholic church has anything to do with liberalism or what it means to be a liberal, without any basis in fact or support, is despicable. Oct. 12The Democrats are on the left.......The Klan (KKK) is on the right.....according to you.Let me see....I'm thinking....I'm thinking......HMMMMMM,............. still thinking..........OH YEAH, the Democrats were the Klan (KKK) JIm Crow Laws ect., that controlled politics in several states in Old North East and the Old South.
Oct. 11, 2007 You are automatically a U.S. citizen if you if you are born here.....according to you. Well....not according to the constitution.....nor does US vs. Wong support your position. As you say....... What is your frame of reference? I'm convinced do make it up as you go along...It is a good thing you don't write your books the same way you are on air.
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