Saturday, July 30, 2022

Jan. 6th - Fact or Fiction


July 24, 2022 

CBS - Mississippi Insight   


 News Director, and Staff,

The Left says that President Trump's speech incited violence... (and CBS)
...LIE - Trump told people to, "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Rep. Benny Thompson (D)
and Pelosi calls it an "armed insurrection"... (armed mob)
...LIE - Not a single firearm was found on a protestor.

The radical Left claims the demonstrators caused fatal injuries...
...LIE - the only person killed was an unarmed, Air Force Veteran protester who was shot at point-blank range.

Pelosi knows that January 6th wasn't a "terrorist attack" or "insurrection."
David Horowitz - 7/19/22


Fact or Fiction?

I know that one of the claims of Jan. 6th. is false. Others I'm not sure if they are fact or fiction. If ABC, CBS and NBC Networks were not selective regarding what news they report and did not pass off rumors and hearsay evidence as facts I would be much better informed. Possibly, I would have enough accurate information to know which claims were Fact or Fiction. 

Lightfoot Letters                                                                                                                                    

August 2 Update: Question as to why I did not include Fox News. I do not watch Fox News, cable or local, except for one news directors' weekly commentary. 

Sent by my Windows Mail from someplace in space and time, where “All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that's an alibi for my ignorance.”

Will Rogers (D)

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